The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality is having an open house and welcomes visitors to check on their works and contribution. Come for a drink, come for a chat!
AFE will also have a talk on "How to Be Safe Online: How Not to Expose Yourself on Devices, Ransomeware, Social Media, Nudes, Dating Apps, Bad Habits That Make You Vulnerable to Exposure" and a presentation about the latest AFE report: "Lebanese Stances In Regard to Sexual and Gender Identities".
المؤسسة العربية للحريات والمساواة هي مؤسسة إقليمية غير حكومية، مركزها في بيروت- لبنان. تعمل على تشجيع ودعم الناشطين العاملين في مجال تحقيق الحقوق الجنسية والجسدية ومساواة النوع الإجتماعي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.
The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) is a regional Non-Governmental Organization based in Lebanon. AFE’s mission is to encourage and support activists working for sexual and bodily rights and gender equality in the Middle East and North Africa.
La Fondation arabe pour les libertés et l'égalité (AFE) est une Organisation non gouvernementale régionale basée au Liban. La mission d’AFE est d’encourager et soutenir les militants qui travaillent pour les droits sexuels et corporels et l'égalité des sexes au Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord.
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